Sleep Sacks

Hey there!

Let’s talk sleep sacks – they seriously come in every style you can imagine. Different shapes, sizes, thickness levels, and all sorts of fasteners like zippers and velcro. But I know what you’re thinking: “Which one’s actually gonna work for my little one?”

First things first – let me tell you about this weird (but totally normal) thing babies do called the moro reflex, AKA, the startle reflex. It’s exactly what it sounds like – your baby suddenly goes “Whoa!” spreads their arms out, pulls them back in like they just got spooked, and might even start crying. Super frustrating when you’re trying to get them to sleep, right? That’s where sleep sacks and swaddles come in clutch – they help keep that reflex in check.

Sleep Sacks vs Swaddles

So here’s the deal: Sleep sacks usually have zippers or velcro to keep your baby snug as a bug. Swaddles? Well, they’re basically those fancy blanket wraps that – let’s be real – most babies turn into an escape artist challenge. No matter how many YouTube tutorials you watch on “the perfect swaddle,” they’ll probably still wiggle their way out. Trust me, I’ve been there!

And oh boy, aren’t babies just the pickiest little creatures? (Mine sure was – and still is!) Some babies are like “wrap me up tight!” while others are more like “free the arms!” and want to sleep with their hands up by their head like they’re celebrating something. The good news? There’s totally a sleep sack for whatever sleeping style your baby’s rocking.

TOG Ratings

Now, let’s chat about this thing called TOG rating – fancy talk for “thermal overall grade.” Basically, it tells you how warm the sleep sack is. Pretty important stuff!

I’ve got this super helpful chart by Ingenuity that breaks it all down – room temp, what to dress your baby in, which TOG rating to go for – the whole nine yards.

This is actually one of the top questions my patients ask me about. And I get it! The whole “how many layers should my baby wear” thing can make your head spin. Pro tip: start by checking your room temperature, then pick your sleep sack’s TOG rating from there. When your baby’s not doing the “too hot” or “too cold” dance, everyone gets better sleep. Win-win!

In my house, my daughter’s room usually hangs out between 68 and 71 degrees. Our go-to combo is a thin sleeper onesie with this sleep sack that has a 2.0 TOG rating. It comes in the cutest colors, and we’re obsessed! When things heat up, we switch to this one. They’ve got tons of colors and two different TOG ratings to pick from.

Zipper or Velcro

Now, about the whole zipper vs. velcro debate – honestly? It’s totally up to you! It really just comes down to what’s easier for you and what brands you like. Full disclosure: I’ve never used the velcro ones. Our little girl was not having any of that “arms strapped down” business, so we went with this option from day one. It allowed her to put her arms mostly wherever she wanted.

Quick safety chat (because I gotta): Those armless sleep sacks are fine until your baby starts showing signs they might roll over. Once they hit that milestone, you’ll want to switch to a transitional sleep sack where they can use their arms. We’ve been loving this transitional sleep sack for months now – cute colors, great size range, and the hands can fold down (perfect for those thumb-sucking babies!).

Look, I know it can still feel like A LOT to process when you’re trying to pick the perfect sleep sack. But hopefully, this helps clear things up a bit! Just remember – you’ve got this, and your baby will let you know what works best for them.

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